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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - shield


Связанные словари


(shields, shielding, shielded) 1. Something or someone which is a shield against a particular danger or risk provides protection from it. He used his left hand as a shield against the reflecting sunlight. N-COUNT: usu sing 2. If something or someone shields you from a danger or risk, they protect you from it. He shielded his head from the sun with an old sack... = protect VERB: V n from n 3. If you shield your eyes, you put your hand above your eyes to protect them from direct sunlight. He squinted and shielded his eyes. = shade VERB: V n 4. A shield is a large piece of metal or leather which soldiers used to carry to protect their bodies while they were fighting. N-COUNT 5. A shield is a sports prize or badge that is shaped like a shield. N-COUNT
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См. в других словарях

   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English sheld, from Old English scield; akin to Old High German scilt ~ and probably to Old English sciell shell  Date: before 12th century  1. a broad piece of defensive armor carried on the arm  2. one that protects or defends ; defense  3. dress ~  4.  a. a device or part that serves as a protective cover or barrier  b. a protective structure (as a carapace, scale, or plate) of some animals  5. escutcheon; especially one that is wide at the top and rounds to a point at the bottom  6. the Precambrian nuclear mass of a continent that is surrounded and sometimes covered by sedimentary rocks  7. something resembling a ~: as  a. apothecium  b. a police officer's badge  c. a decorative or identifying emblem  II. transitive verb  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. to protect with or as if with a ~ ; provide with a protective cover or shelter  b. to cut off from observation ; hide  2. obsolete forbid  Synonyms: see defend  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a esp. hist. a piece of armour of esp. metal, carried on the arm or in the hand to deflect blows from the head or body. b a thing serving to protect (insurance is a shield against disaster). 2 a thing resembling a shield, esp.: a a trophy in the form of a shield. b a protective plate or screen in machinery etc. c a shieldlike part of an animal, esp. a shell. d a similar part of a plant. e Geol. a large rigid area of the earth's crust, usu. of Precambrian rock, which has been unaffected by later orogenic episodes. f US a policeman's shield-shaped badge. 3 Heraldry a stylized representation of a shield used for displaying a coat of arms etc. --v.tr. protect or screen, esp. from blame or lawful punishment. Phrases and idioms shield fern 1 any common fern of the genus Polystichum, with shield-shaped indusia. 2 = BUCKLER 2. Derivatives shieldless adj. Etymology: OE sc(i)eld f. Gmc: prob. orig. = board, rel. to SCALE(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) защита; защитное устройство защищать 2) щит; щиток; козырёк 3) (защитный) экран экранировать 4) проходческий щит 5) горн. секция щитовой крепи 6) электрон. диафрагма 7) электрон. маска , маскировать - antimagnetic shield - arcing shield - arc shield - blasting shield - braided shield - bulk shield - closed-face mechanical shield - corona shield - deflector shield - dust shield - earthed shield - earth shield - earth pressure balance shield - electric shield - electrostatic shield - end shield - engine fire shield - environmental shield - face shield - Faraday shield - front heat shield - gas shield - grading shield - grounded shield - ground shield - guard shield - hand shield - heat shield - helmet shield - image-current flux shield - joint shield - laminated thermo shield - lighttight shield - magnetic shield - mechanical shield - microphone shield - mud shield - multilayer dust shield - neutron shield - noise shield - open-face shield - primary shield - rain-gage shield - side shield - slurry shield - snow shield - spark shield - sun shield - termite shield - thermal shield - top shield - tunneling shield - tunnel shield - viewfinder shield - water neutron shield - wind shield - winding shield ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  щит; экран; защита защищать; экранировать closed shield Greathead shield half shield hand shield open shield protective shield snow shield trench shield ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) защита; защищать 2) щит; экран 3) маска – aluminum shield – bulk shield – cable shield – close-talking shield – coated shield – copper shield – composite shield – CRT shield – double magnetic shield – Faraday shield – ferromagnetic shield – guard shield – metal shield – multilayer shield – multiple solid shield – nonferromagnetic shield – nonmetallic shield – passive shield – radiation shield – reinforced shield – strip shield – wind shield ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) заслонять 2) защита 3) защищать 4) заэкранировать 5) кожух 6) щит 7) щитковый 8) щиток ablation heat shield — космонавт. экран тепловой эрозионный - biological shield - face shield - heat shield - shield can - shield chamber - shield driving - shield nucleus - shield reactor - shield support - shield water - shield wattmeter - sound shield - tunnel shield ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  Межведомственный комитет по контролю за экспортом химического и биологического оружия ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) щит; щиток 2) экран 3) защита – biological shield – embryonic shield – head shield – ventral shield – water shield ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  см. badge c gray1. ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. щит 2. защита; защитник shield against criticism —- защита против критики shield forces —- воен. войска прикрытия 3. геральд. щит (герба) 4. горн. проходческий щит 5. тех. экран; щит; предохранительный кожух 6. биол. щит, щиток 7. ам. значок полицейского 8. ам. декоративный или опознавательный знак (на одежде); бляха 9. подмышник Id: the other side of the shield —- другая сторона вопроса 10. защищать; прикрывать; заслонять to shield one's eyes with one's hand —- прикрыть глаза рукой to shield one's child with one's own body —- прикрыть ребенка собственным телом to shield oneself behind smb. else —- спрятаться за чью-либо спину 11. спасать, выгораживать to shield from invasion —- спасать от вторжения to shield smb. from censure —- оградть кого-либо от критики he did it to shield his brother —- он сделал это, чтобы отвести беду от брата 12. воен. прикрывать 13. тех. экранировать 14. брать под защиту закона ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) щит  2) защита; защитник  3) amer. значок полицейского  4) tech. экран the other side of the shield - другая сторона вопроса  2. v.  1) защищать, заслонять; He shielded his eyes from the bright light.  2) покрывать, укрывать; You cant shield your brother from blame in the accident.  3) tech. экранировать Syn: see protect ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 n 1 a) a thing that soldiers used consisting of a broad piece of metal or leather b) also riot shield a piece of equipment made of strong plastic, used by the police to protect themselves against angry crowds 2 something in the shape of a shield, wide at the top and curving to a point at the bottom, that is used for a coat of arms, a prize in sport etc 3 something that protects a person or thing against harm or damage  (the ozone layer, the shield that protects the Earth from the Sun's harmful rays) ~2 v to protect someone or something from being harmed, or damaged  (Women will often lie to shield even the most abusive partner. | shield sb/sth from sth)  (He held up his hands, shielding his eyes from the sun. | import tariffs that shield firms from foreign competition) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. scield, scild, related to sciell (see shell), from P.Gmc. *skeldus, from base *skel- "divide, split, separate." Perhaps the notion is of a flat piece of wood made by splitting a log. The verb is from O.E. gescildan. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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